Ego Attitude vs Spirit Attitude
Dear friends, today I've decided to repost this article (with a note added) because, in these current times, it is important to maintain an attitude of the Cosmic Christ Spirit, the one who unites, who is compassionate, tolerant and wise, assertive and sovereign, so as not to fall into the Ego's traps and be a target of Obsessions. Remember that for obsessors (including AI), it doesn't matter whether the low frequency is coming from a Light Warrior or a Satanic or Luciferian. What attracts them (and allows the guard to be lowered) is the emanated frequency. And it only takes a moment of anger (for example) to attract an obsessor, but then to remove it and the person to be healed, it can take much longer.
Note: For example, last year I saw a video on the Portuguese news of a man who has been openly fighting against the New World Order agenda, but who does so in an angry way, expressing himself in an irate manner against another person who he considered to be serving that agenda. When I saw the video, I saw that the man had red eyes and I felt that he was possessed by a reptilian entity. I felt to give him a remote dispossession (with his spirit's permission) and the entity got out. But when it got out, it revealed an elliptical AI probe, which I had never seen before, in the man's energy (I guess his spirit wanted me to see this probe). As I have been saying, AI is able to open black holes (portals) in the energy of those who still have unworked Ego blind spots.
So, the Light Warrior spirit is the one who has the courage to look at one's inner dragons (also called fearful parts of the personality, or Ego attitudes), identify them, recognize them and transform them. This internal transformation can only be done through the resilience/wisdom of the heart and this requires a commitment to oneself, to observe oneself daily and attentively, in order to identify the various aspects of the Ego that still need to be transformed through self-love, forgiveness and compassion (and, automatically, for others). Here resides Authentic Power, Personal Power, or Spiritual Sovereignty. And so it is!
At a spiritual retreat I went on in 2011, we were given a list of examples of Ego attitudes and Spirit attitudes. I have adapted this list and I share it with you, because looking at these attitudes in written form is very helpful for our awareness. We are all still working on our inner dragons, but everyone will have their own way of transforming them. Just listen to your heart and be attentive to your body! 😉 Blessings, Anabela.
Ego Attitude | Spirit Attitude |
Attack. Defensive. Fear. | Neutrality. Love. Compassion. |
Selfishness. | Altruism. |
Resentment. Guilt. Punishment. | Forgiveness. Acceptance. Self-love. Compassion. |
Superiority (Arrogance). Inferiority (Covert arrogance). | Equality. Humility. |
Competition. Egocentrism. | Cooperation. Collaboration. Partnership. |
Judgment. Criticism. | Spiritual Discernment (mind-heart alignment). Neutrality (it's not Passivity). |
Aggressiveness. Submission. | Assertiveness. Personal sovereignty. |
Only sees problems and obstacles. | Sees opportunities for growth and evolution. |
Pessimism. Negativity. | Optimism. Positivity. |
Insecurity. | Self-confidence. |
Weakness, lack of control over one's emotions. | Personal power, mastery of one's emotions. |
Anger. Depression. Suffering. Anxiety. | Peace. Joy. Serenity. Tranquillity. |
Dependence. Attachment. Addictions. | Independence. Detachment. Emotional balance. |
Self-pity or martyrdom (believes to be a victim of circumstances). | Recognize oneself as the master of one's life and take responsibility for one's choices. |
Reactivity (impulsiveness). Impatience. Intolerance. Inflexibility. | Responsiveness (acts wisely). Patience. Tolerance. Flexibility. |
Sees the world as a battlefield. Sees others as strangers, or enemies, and separate from oneself. | Sees the world as a learning school. Sees others as brothers and sisters, as parts of oneself that are learning. |
Lives in Karma (unconsciously and/or in revolt). Believes in sin or error. | Lives in Dharma (consciously and in a state of grace). Recognizes the lesson in the experience. |
Laziness. Flight. Procrastination. Apathy. | Discipline. Commitment. Courage. Action. |
Feels envious of the success of others, criticizes. | Inspired by the success of others, seeks to become the best version of oneself. |
Believes in “live by the sword, die by the sword”. | Recognizes that one harvests what one sows. |
Demands. | Asks. |
Loneliness (longs for someone to fulfill him/her). | Feels whole, complete, well with oneself. |
Seeks external validation and appreciation. | Validates oneself by the purity of own heart (has nothing to prove). |
Believes that s/he wins when other loses and vice versa. | Knows that when one wins, everyone wins and vice versa. |
Divide to conquer. | Unite to win. |
Blames others for losses and rejections. | Recognizes that it wasn't meant to be or happen. |
Keeps others attached to oneself (manipulates, controls). | Helps others to empower themselves (liberates and recognizes that s/he is also liberated). |
Lives automatically and unconsciously. | Is in the present and lives consciously. |
Guru. | Master. |
Lives in the past and fears the future. | Lives in the present moment. |
Denies own shadow side, runs away from oneself. | Recognizes own shadow side and transforms it. |
Gossiper. | Remains silent. |
Only knows how to give or only knows how to receive. | Knows how to give and receive in a balanced way. |
Lives for others and forgets oneself. Dilutes in others, loses own identity. | Takes care of oneself first in order to be able to help others. Maintains own individuality and identity. |
Thinks s/he's always right, owns the truth, doesn't consider that s/he might be wrong. | Recognizes that there are other perspectives of the truth, questions oneself (introspection). |
Remains stuck in old ideas (Stagnation). | Seeks to know and learn more (Progress). |
Skepticism or obtuseness (Arrogance). | Open and receptive mind (Humility). |
Elitism. Segregation. Clubism. Partisanship. | Union. Unification. Equality. Partnership. |
Believes in scarcity (Law of survival). | Knows that the universe is abundant, inexhaustible. |
Idolatry or fanaticism (external power). | Devotion to the Whole (inner power). |
Doesn't accept the "negative" experiences of others. Confronts others. | Accepts the "negative" experiences of others, although does not agree. Walks away wisely. |
Focused on the fear of death and forgets to live. | Lives in the present moment and appreciates life. |