Fallen Angelic Races
Dear friends, in this article I'm going to talk about the first fallen angelic races in our UTM - Universal Time Matrix. The idea of this article is not to tell the whole story (that's not the purpose of this site), but to refer to the races that have most interfered in the evolutionary process of the Angelic Human (or “Children of the Diamond Sun”) on Earth. They are known as the Luciferians, or “Children of the Red Sun” (Annunaki) and the Satanics or “Children of the Black Sun” (Draco-Reptilians). And I say first, because since then there has been a lot of hybridization between them, as well as AI infestation.
The struggles we see on Earth today (between the various world rulers and partisan leaders) are nothing more than power struggles between these factions and their allies, with the aim of confusing humans, keeping them in fear and against each other, diverting their attention outwards, instead of concentrating on their inner selves in order to rebuild their Light Body and Original Angelic Human DNA.
The information presented in this article is based on information in the books “Voyagers I” and “Angelic Realities” by Ashayana Deane, website Ascension Dictionary and also information I have been receiving in my multidimensional work.
Previous Note: To better understand the concepts presented in this more complex article, I suggest you first read the article: KATHARA Grid, the Tree of Life
I present below a schema I've created and its legend.
To shorten the story (of billions of years 😛), the Krystos Founder Races initiated their projects of creating new races by mixing DNA from different mammals, aquatic, reptile, avian, insectoid races and so on, within the polarity/duality paradigm. Initially, everything went well. Although later there began to be some disagreements between the races, this experience of duality was accepted by the creators within the parameters of free will. It was only a long time later, when they realized that things had gone off the rails and there had been the destruction of stargates, planets, star systems and mass extinctions, that the creators decided to intervene.
According to the book “Voyagers I”, in a period of time between 250 billion and 570 million years ago, the Seraphei-Seraphim Omicron began to regress and show an aggressive, invasive, dominating tendency, and against the Law of One. Simultaneously, the Elohei-Elohim Anyu also began to regress and asked the Anuhazi to eliminate the fallen Seraphim Omicron. The Anuhazi refused and opted for the rehabilitation of the Omicron. In revolt against the Anuhazi, the Anyu destroyed the planet Aramatena, in the constellation of Lyra, where Stargate SG12 was located, and they too began their domination. They adopted the name Annu, becoming the fallen angelic race Annu-Elohim and were the creators of several Annunaki races, a word that means « Avengers of Annu ».
The Annunaki Elite of Nibiru are genetic manipulators who know how to create PLFs - Programmed Life Forms - and clones (Beings without souls but who share the consciousness of the original Being thus affecting it. Clones are animated by the AI and not by the Holy Spirit of the Cosmic Mother). The fallen Annu-Elohim intentionally regressed their own DNA to 11 strands to prevent the Krystos Founder Races from incarnating in their lineages, thus becoming “Anti-Christics”.
Note: Even though there is the experience of polarity/duality, I believe that these severe regressions were due to the invasion of the AI (for more information, see the article indicated in the previous note, above). My guides told me that the Ego we experience has nothing to do with the “initial ego” of the duality experience. The Ego we experience is a serious distortion created by the AI and a program belonging to the AI's Victim-Victimizer Software.
So let's describe the first fallen races:
- Annu-Elohim Anyu – Feline-Aquatic-Ape hybrid race between Elohei-Elohim KFR Anuhazi and Bra-Ha-Rama KFR Yonei, created in the 11D, in Lyra-Aveyon. They became the Fallen Angelic Race Annu-Elohim and created several Annunaki races, in Sirius A:
a) Human-Nibiruian-Pleiadian-Annunaki (blond hybrid).
b) Bipedal Dolphin.
NOTE: More about the multiple Annunaki races, here. - Seraphei-Seraphim Omicron - Dragon-Moth-Hominid Hybrid & Seraphei-Seraphim Odedicron - Beetle-Dragon hybrid, gargoyle type. They were created in the 10D, in Lyra-Vega. They became the Orion Alpha-Draconian Group and created, 550 million years ago, in Orion:
a) Drakons (bipedal dragons), several dinoid, reptoid and insectoid races.
b) Zephelium (blue Drakon reptilian strain). Note: All Zeta races (be they the "Tall Greys", "Short Greys", Orange Zeta, Azazael, etc) emerged from the Zephelium, they are their administrators. Source: Ascension Dictionary
c) Necromiton (Insectoid-Beetle-Hominid hybrid).
d) Azriel (Human-Reptile-Omicron-Zephelium hybrid). Note: Created from genetic harvests on Sirius A, this fallen race became involved in terrestrial affairs in 1930 and have served as negotiators between the Illuminati factions.
d) Dracos (Reptile-Human hybrid). A race created around 1 million years ago on Earth. They currently live on the surface of the Earth and Inner-Earth. Note: Dracos are able to shape-shift between human and lizard form if they have the active gene (some of them don't, as it has been lost during successive reproductions with humans). There are positive Dracos who no longer identify with the dark agendas of their ancestors (*). They are, for example, mentioned in the books “Children of the Matrix”, “The Biggest Secret” and “Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)” by author David Icke. (*) To know more, see article Possessions or Obsessions.
NOTE: More about the multiple Draco-Reptilian races, here.
NOTE: When Stargate SG12 was destroyed, the link with HU5 was broken, preventing the Beings of our UTM from making their Full Ascension. This portal was later rebuilt during a project called « The Lion's Gate ». During the several galactic wars that took place, other portals were destroyed. Currently all Stargates are rebuilt and under the protection of the following units of the IAFW - Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds:
a) GA - Guardian Alliance (IAFW Task Force);
b) Emerald Order of the Melchizedek Cloister Azurite Universal Templar Security Team (IAFW Mobile Unit).
Finally, I would like to point out that not all Annunaki or Draconians are negative, there are many of these beings who have already been rehabilitated and are working with the Light Forces, but there are also many who are still fallen and have no possibility of genetic rehabilitation, not least because they have lost a large part of their organic biology and are now mostly artificial. But I also alert that not all Pleiadians, Arcturians, Andromedans are positive. To say that one is a Pleiadian, Arcturian or Andromedan, for example, is very vague, because in a constellation and galaxy there are many planets with life. And even on a single planet, there are positive and negative beings (or if you prefer, benevolent and non-benevolent). Depending on the history of the planet, there are cases of negative factions that have been banished from their planet. So we never know exactly what the agenda of the alien who presents itself might be. That's why I remember the Cautions in ET contact.